If you haven't gotten married yet there are a few items that you can take care of before the wedding.
1) Tell your employer
-Change your work email address
-Order new business cards
2) Reserve new personal email addresses, if you'd like one with your married name (Yahoo!, Google, Hotmail, etc)
3) Make your honeymoon reservations using your MAIDEN name. You won't have identification in your new name until a few months after you are married.
4) Determine how many marriage license copies you will need for your name change. Usually just 1 or 2 extra will suffice since an unofficial copy of the license is all that is usually needed for most companies. It's very easy to request extra copies when you send off for the original so make sure you get enough to save yourself the hassle of requesting more at a later date.
After your wedding it usually takes a few weeks for your marriage license to arrive in the mail. Once you receive it, you can start the process of changing your name.
1) Social Security Card
-This link will take you to the SS-5 form.
With this form you will also need your official marriage license you can then mail this off or take it to your local Social Security office to get your new card.
2) DMV
-Driver's license
-Car registration
-Check with you local DMV and see if they need your new Social Security Card, if not you can do this with just your marriage license. Here's the link for the California DMV website:
3) Passport
-The form you need is dependent on how recent your current passport was issued. You will also most likely need to get new photos taken and need to send in your current passport. You can check all the requirements at this link:
4) Employer/School
-Make sure you HR department or your school administration has made all the necessary changes in their system.
5) Bank accounts
-Make your name changes on all of your accounts.
-Order new checks with your new name.
-If you go with your husband you can also add each other to any accounts that you'd like to have you both listed on or open new any new joint accounts.
6) Insurance policies
-Change everything to your new name and request benefactor changes if you'd like them to list your husband. Don't forget to remind your husband to do the same for any policies he wants to list you as the benefactor.
7) Credit cards
-Again change your name and add your husband (or open a new card) to your existing account if you'd like to.
8) Creditors/Bills
-Utilities/School Loans/Mortgages/Car Loans/etc.
9) Membership organizations
-Voter Registration (forms available at your county elections office, library, or U.S. Post Office)
-Frequent Flier Programs
-Any other clubs or organizations you are registered with
10) Stationery, if you like to use stationery with your name printed on it