My youngest daughter adores princesses! Why? Because her sister loves princesses. My oldest loves Sleeping Beauty, because she's the "pink" princess. She then assigned Cinderella to my youngest. Of course my youngest also has a love for Sleeping Beauty, because her sister loves her. When asked what she wanted her birthday theme to be she just couldn't decide on a single princess. Every day it changed (which is kind of stressful to a mom trying to plan). I finally decided to choose a Rainbow Royal Court theme so she wouldn't have to pick just one. It also included all the little princes who wanted to come! We held the event at a local children's gym so the kids could play and have lots of fun.

During the gym portion of the event I served snacks for all the moms and dads to enjoy while they watched the kids running around. I tried to come up with lots of fun names for all of the food labels and stick to the rainbow theme for the food.

Veggies and Chips with "Rainbow" Dips
(Tiana's Tomato Salsa, Charming Nacho Cheese, Merida's Mango Salsa, A Whole New Hummus, Rapunzel's Ranch, Aurora's Avocado Dip, and Bibbity Bobbity Bean Dip)

Princes in a Blanket

Cinderella's Sugar Cookies

Triple Chocolate Cupcakes

"Under the Sea" Goldfish

Water with rainbow ice jewels

For the favors I made prince crowns and reversible capes (later to become super hero capes if the boys preferred after the party) for all the boys. I found two awesome tutorials online from Small Things and HowDoesShe on how to make them. For the princesses I had sparkly tiaras and homemade rainbow tutus. I used the favors to decorate the kids' food table when the guests first arrived.

Then during the gym time I handed them out for everyone to wear. This created some super cute pictures of all the kids running around in costume on the gym equipment.

After playing in the gym we only had 30 minutes allotted for the food and cake. I decided to preset the table with ice cube trays filled with healthy rainbow snacks for the kids.

This worked out so well! None of the parents had to run around trying to serve their kids, it gave lots of options for each of them to choose from, and it looked so pretty!!! Inside the tray I served raspberries, strawberries, oranges, carrots, string cheese, hummus, crackers, pineapple, dried snap peas, cucumbers, blue chips, blueberries, black berries, and purple grapes!

After all the healthy fare the kids got to enjoy mini cupcakes with rainbow, glittery, fondant tiaras.

I would say the event was a royal success! All of the princes, princesses, and chauffeurs seemed to have a wonderful time.

Vendor Credits
Party Styling & Design: Enchanted Events & Design
Printables & Graphic Design: Enchanted Events & Design
Photography: Sarah Vinson Photography
Cookies: Denise's Creations
Cupcake Toppers: Parker’s Flour Patch
Crown Tutorial: Small Things
Cape Tutorial: HowDoesShe