First you'll need to make two batches of cake, one white and one yellow cake. I then added a small amount of yellow food dye to the yellow cake to enhance the yellow coloring.

Once the cakes are baked and cooled, break up the cake with your fingers and add about 3/4 to 4/5 of a canister of frosting to it to and mix well. I typically remove the harder, crusty edges of the cake before mixing it with the frosting so the cake pop is an even mushy consistency. This is especially important with the white cake. I removed all of the darker colored cake (top, bottom, sides) to keep the cake pop a clean white color. I used a white cream cheese frosting for both my white and yellow cakes. Next, form a small ball with the yellow cake pop mix, slightly larger than a dime in shape. Then grab a small amount of the white cake mix and place the yellow ball on top of it.

Slowly work the white cake pop mix over and around the yellow ball until it's completely covered and mold it into an egg shape. Repeat until you've used up all of one of the cakes (white or yellow). Place the cake pops onto a baking sheet and put them in the fridge to cool. This will make them easier to dip in the candy coating later.

The next step is to attach the lollipop stick to the cake pop. Take a lollipop stick (I use a 4" stick but you can use any size you'd like) and push it into the bottom of the cake pop to create a hole. Then pull it out and dip the end of the lollipop stick into some prepared yellow candy melt (melted per the instructions on the bag). Then reinsert the stick into the cake pop. You can then place it back into the fridge to keep cool while you assemble the rest of the cake pops.

Once all the cake pops have been attached to the sticks. You can then, working in batches, remove them from the fridge and slowly dip each egg into the yellow candy melt. Make sure to cover the entire cake pop, tapping it gently on the edge of the glass to remove any excess candy melt.

Stand each of the cake pops up in some Styrofoam to dry.

Next, take some yellow pearl dust and mix it into a small dish with some lemon juice, water or vodka. You can then paint this onto each of the cake pops to give it a glittery shine. Place the cake pop back into the Styrofoam to dry. Try and put the cake pops as close together as you can to make the next step a little easier.

The final step is to get a small strainer and place some of the dry pearl dust into it. You can then gently sift some of the dust over the top of your drying cake pops. This adds just a bit more glitter to the cake pops. The closer they are together on the Styrofoam the less dust that will be wasted. Make sure to start dusting the cake pops before they've finished drying so that the dust will have something to affix itself to when you sprinkle it over them.

You now have a shiny golden egg cake pop, complete with a yolk center. Enjoy!