My Pink Princess party is featured on Kara's Party Ideas today! I'm so excited to have my second feature on her site. Kara's site always has the most amazing parties, I highly recommend checking it out! In celebration of being on her site again I'm giving away my Pink Princess printables to all of my followers!

If you'd like a copy of these for you to print at home just leave a comment with your email address or send me an email ( If for some reason you're unable to leave a comment to request the printables just send me an email! You must first be a public follower of this blog to receive the file so make sure you include your blogger name when you email me! You will then receive a PDF file with all of the files above.
If you like these printables, but prefer not to make them yourself please stop by the EEAD Etsy store and have them customized and printed for you!
If you send a request and don't receive your files within 48 hours please check your spam folder. If you still don't have the email please let me know so I can make sure it gets to you. Enjoy!!!
This giveaway ends on June 9, 2011 so be sure to make your request before this date! If you miss the deadline all the printables will become available in my Etsy shop for you to purchase.